Internal Carbon Pricing: A Crucial Tool for Sustainable Business Practices

3 min readMay 30, 2024


Global awareness of climate change is ramping up. Thus, businesses are seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprints and align with sustainability goals.

One effective strategy gaining traction is the concept of Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP). This approach (refer to Thallo’s article for more information) offers a compelling framework for businesses to integrate the cost of carbon emissions into their financial decisions. This drives more sustainable practices and fosters long-term resilience.

Steps to determine an Internal Carbon Price (ICP)

What is Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP)?

ICP is a mechanism by which companies assign a monetary value to their carbon emissions. This price internally guides decision-making processes. And it encourages investments in low-carbon technologies and more sustainable operational practices.

There are several types of ICP, including:

  1. Shadow Pricing. This involves setting a hypothetical price on carbon emissions, assessing the impact of future investments and strategies.
  2. Carbon Fee. A direct cost applied to business units for their emissions, promoting accountability and incentivizing reductions.
  3. Implicit Carbon Pricing. This integrates the cost of carbon into the financial metrics and business models, indirectly. Often, it lies in risk assessments and cost-benefit analyses.

By adopting ICP, businesses can anticipate regulatory changes. Also, they manage risks associated with carbon-intensive activities. And they prove their commitment to sustainability to stakeholders and investors.

Reducing Emissions

BeChained, a pioneer AI technology in the field of carbon reduction, is instrumental in helping companies achieve their sustainability goals. It entails innovative emission reduction strategies, focusing on Scope 1 emissions. These are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. By addressing Scope 1 emissions, BeChained ensures that companies are tackling their most significant and manageable sources of carbon output.

This best practice will then foster Scope 2. Thus, emission reduction will drill down along the value chain, encompassing those from their suppliers.

How BeChained Operates

BeChained employs a multifaceted approach to emission reduction, which includes:

  • Comprehensive Audits. Analyzing manufacturing processes. Assessing the key sources of emissions within a company’s operations.
  • Customized Action Plans. Deploying an AI technology that tailors actions for resource (i.e. energy, water, and more) optimization and results in a cost savings and emissions cut.
  • Implementation. Autonomously executing the improvements in operations, ensuring tangible results.
  • Continuous Monitoring. Providing ongoing assessment and change of strategies to ensure sustained emission reductions.

This “set it and forget it” and systematic approach. It does not immediately reduce emissions, but also sets a foundation for long-term sustainability.

By focusing on Scope 1, BeChained helps companies build a robust and pragmatical pathway to Net Zero Emissions (NZE) programs. The net result is a significant cost savings in their supply and value chains.

The Benefits of Internal Carbon Pricing

Integrating ICP into business operations offers multiple benefits:

  1. Enhanced Decision-Making. ICP provides a clear financial incentive to reduce emissions. It guides investment towards more sustainable technologies and effective practices.
  2. Regulatory Readiness. Companies with ICP are better prepared for future regulatory requirements on CO2 emissions.
  3. Risk Management. By internalizing the cost of carbon, businesses manage financial risks associated with their carbon footprint.
  4. Reputation and Investor Confidence. Demonstrating a commitment (not green-washing announcements or campaigns) to sustainability. Through ICP, they enhance reputation and attract investment from environmentally conscious stakeholders.

Conclusion: A Path to a Sustainable Future

The concept of ICP is more than a financial tool. It is a strategic approach that aligns business operations with global sustainability goals. By embedding the cost of carbon into their financial frameworks:

  • companies execute significant emission reductions,
  • abate costs and make operation costs more efficient,
  • foster internal innovation and market competitiveness,
  • secure their place in a sustainable future.

By reducing Scope 1 emissions, businesses achieve substantial progress on their NZE programs. This not only leads to lower operational costs, but also paves the way for a more resilient and sustainable supply and value chain. Exactly what their customers started to ask for.

This internal strategy mingles with carbon market outlook. A comparative analysis of different carbon pricing mechanisms is summarized in the Carbon Tax vs. Carbon Fee & Dividend article. This brief article explores the high level context of carbon pricing strategies. And it points out their impact on achieving business competitiveness and the whole ecosystem.




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